Call Us Today: (678) 964-6427

Thinking of selling your home?


How Much Is Your Home Worth?

If you would like a Free Highest Price Analysis for your property, at no obligation, please give us a call at 678-964-6427, or use the form below to provide us with your property and contact information. We'll prepare a current Market Analysis and contact you with an estimate of the highest attainable price for your property.

Setting The List Price That Gets Your Home SOLD

Pricing your home is both an art and a science. Achieving the optimal price is the result both of objective research into comparable properties and a gut feeling about your property and the current market.

Preparing Your Home To Sell

First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions. The exterior of your home often determines how buyers will view the interior. Make sure your front entrance is clean and inviting. Paint or replace your front door if it's faded or worn. Add some paint to shutters, trim and any other outside features showing signs of wear. Try to look at your house "through the buyer's eyes" as though you've never seen it or been there before. Any time or money spent on these items will bring you back more money in return, and hopefully a faster sale.

Should I Provide a Home Warranty?

Adding a home warranty to your listing adds confidence and might result in someone purchasing your home over a newer home. Many people are nervous about old appliances and fixtures, etc. Buyers are much more comfortable with a house that includes a one year warranty. The warranty can be promoted in the advertising as a drawing feature of the home.

Contact us for a FREE Highest Price Analysis for Your Home